To report an outage please call DCEC's outage line at (607) 746-9283 or Toll Free at (866) 436-1223. The outage line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
DCEC has a Facebook page that at a minimum, all planned outages and major outages will be posted to. A planned outage is any outage that the Cooperative knows about before it happens, such as shutting down a feeder to allow for the line crew to perform work on it. A major outage is one that affects 50 or more members and lasts for 4 hours or more. Other minor outages may not be posted on Facebook, particularly outside of regular business hours. To view the status of an outage or view past outages please visit our page.
In order to maintain strong service reliability, DCEC occasionally must take short outages to perform routine maintenance of equipment on our system. If an outage is expected to last more than one hour, DCEC will send out letters to our members in advance whenever possible.