Delaware County Electric Cooperative's rates are established by the Board of Directors with the purpose of providing quality electrical service at cost effective rates.

In an effort to keep our rates objective and current, every five years the Cooperative completes a Cost of Service Study (COSS). The COSS consists of 3 elements:

  • Establishing the Cooperative’s annual revenue requirement
  • Allocating costs equitably across the different rate classifications (different groups of members) 
  • Creating a rate structure for each rate classification to cover the costs to serve each rate classification

Following the findings of the 2022 COSS, the Board of Directors approved a resolution to revise the monthly fixed charge component of the rate structure effective May 2024 (see updated charges in the rate schedule below). Before this resolution was passed at the regular March Board Meeting on March 26th, the Board of Directors held a public meeting open to all members about the proposed rate structure changes. This Member Information Meeting was held on March 19, 2024.

Below is a chart of the most current Service Class Rate Schedule:

Class Service Charge Energy Charge Demand Charge Energy Efficiency Fund Formulary Rate Adjustment
Residential #1 (SC-1) $34.75 / month $.10795 / kWh $0 $.001 / kWh* $.000 / kWh**
Residential #2 (SC-2) $39.75 / month $.12400 / kWh $0 $.001 / kWh* $.000 / kWh**
Small Commercial (SC-3) $34.75 / month $.11173 / kWh $0 $.001 / kWh* $.000 / kWh**
Public Authorities (SC-5) $33.75 / month $.10226 / kWh $0 $.001 / kWh* $.000 / kWh**
Dairy Farm (SC-D) $34.75 / month $0.08795 / kWh $0 $.001 / kWh* $.000 / kWh**
Class Service Charge Energy Charge Demand Charge    
Large Commercial (SC-4A) $52.75 / month $.07400 / kWh $7 / kW $.001 / kWh* $.000 / kWh**
Summer Peaking (SC-4B) $32.75 / month $.08486 / kWh $2.25 / kVA $.001 / kWh* $.000 / kWh**
Industrial - (SC-7) $500.00 / month $.05125 / kWh $6 / kW $.001 / kWh* $.000 / kWh**

*The Energy Efficiency Fund is collected on every kWh sold to every member in every rate class. The Cooperative sets aside Energy Efficiency Funds and utilizes those funds only for qualifying expenditures in accordance with the Cooperative’s hydro power purchase contract with the New York Power Authority (NYPA). For a list of current Energy Efficiency Fund programs that may benefit you, please visit Energy Efficiency Programs page.

**The Formulary Rate Adjustment (FRA) is reviewed at least semi-annually by the Cooperative’s board of directors. The FRA may be increased or decreased by the board of directors if revenue shortfalls or surpluses are projected. The largest contributing factor to revenue fluctuations is weather. The Cooperative sells more energy and has higher revenues when weather is colder than expected.