Tips for Energy Efficiency
- Turn off lights and unplug electronics, such as chargers, when not in use
- Close unused registers
- Close and lower window coverings to help regulate temperature indoors
- Opening curtains during the day, especially to south facing windows, can allow the sun to help heat your home
- Use ceiling fans strategically: counterclockwise in summer and clockwise in winter to force warm air down
- Remember to keep doors closed to maintain indoor temperature
- Find and fix air leaks
- Check windows and doors
- Apply caulk or weather stripping to prevent drafts
- Cold weather makes your heating systems work harder, and run longer. Set your thermostat to a lower temperature- in general, adjusting the thermostat a few degrees for energy savings
- Consider upgrading to a smart thermostat for automatic adjustments
- Optimize your heating and cooling by using your programmable thermostat’s features and allow it to adjust the temperature when you’re asleep or away.
- Make sure to check the label of a product before purchasing. Most Energy Star endorsed products draw smaller than average amounts of electricity when turned off

Beware of Energy Vampires
They are lurking around your house in unexpected places: the television, the computer and the microwave. Many electronic devices that are plugged in continuously use energy even when you are not using them.
Here are a few tips to help put a stop to energy vampires in your home:
- Unplug all electronics that are not in use.
- Plug electronics into a power strip and turn the power strip off when items are not in use
- Avoid electronics with extra features that you do not need as these might use more energy