Did you know that approximately 87% of the power distributed by Delaware County Electric Cooperative (DCEC) comes from the Niagara Project, which is a source of clean hydro renewable electricity?

The Co-op has developed a program for members to become 100% Green if they choose. The program is called GO 100% GREEN. This program allows the other 13% of incremental power purchased for you by your Co-op to be environmentally friendly by having DCEC purchase Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) on your behalf. 

If you choose, this would be an easy and affordable option to support renewable energy directly through your electric bill. This program allows the member to purchase Renewable Energy Credits monthly, which will depend on the member’s total monthly kWh usage. Effective September 15, 2023, the cost is only $0.0095 per kWh of use (less than a penny). DCEC looks at the cost of RECs on a periodic basis to evaluate the GO 100% GREEN kWh cost to its participants. 

Please keep in mind that DCEC’s GO 100% GREEN is completely voluntary. There is no cancellation fee, and you can terminate this program at any time.

Click here to sign up today: GO 100% GREEN 

Example Bill with program:

In this example, a member who would have paid $119.17 would now pay $120.41 due to their participation in the GO 100% GREEN program. 

Monthly Fixed Charge $22.00
Energy Charge   1000 kWh @ .10795 $107.95
Power Cost Adj   1000 kWh @ -.00978 - $9.78
GO 100% GREEN   130 kWh @ 0.00950    $1.24
Load Mgmt Credit   - $4.00
Formulary Rate Adj   1000 kWh @ 0.003 $3.00
Current Charges Due $120. 41

If you have any additional questions about the program, please call the office at (607) 746-2341.